Tuesday 23 June 2015

Applying Barthes Theory to Our Film

Hermeneutic/Enigma Code

'Clues are dropped but no clear answers are given'. This applies to our film when The Russian Spy's are shouting 'where is it?! Where are you hiding it?!'. This is hinting to the audience that they are looking for something that they suspect the protagonist has, but it is not revealed to the audience what it is.

Semantic Code

Anything in the film/text that has an extra connotation. This is applicable to our film as the Houses of Parliament are in the background of some of our shots. This, with the costume of a suit with dark glasses, carries the connotation of politically based skullduggery. 

Symbolic Code

The setting of Westminster and the Houses Of Parliament also fits into symbolic as politically based skullduggery is an overarching theme of our film.

Claude Levi-Strauss' Binary Opposition

East(ern Europe) vs West(ern Europe)
Black (Protagonist) vs White (Antagonist)
Good vs Evil
Peace vs War (protagonist is trying to prevent chemical warfare)
Domestic (British) vs Foreign (Russian)

Vladimir Propp

Props can be applied to our film as we have a clearly defined Hero/Protagonist and a clearly defined Villain/Antagonist.

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